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The first week of our Lenten Service Project resulted in 223 hours for church volunteering and 127 hours for outside volunteering. That's a total of 349 hours! What a fantastic start to this project!

Pastor Ben and the Equipping Team have decided to track volunteer hours from two ways: inside and outside the church. Count your hours if you do anything to help at church whether you are driving members to doctor appointments, singing in the choir, folding bulletins, hosting coffee hour, meeting with other members or council, or anything else related to church. Also track all of your non-church-related volunteer hours, like volunteering with Project SAVE, an animal shelter, or Enloe. 

You can report your hours in one of two ways. While attending church, use the form we will be handing out to record your hours. You can place it in the collection plate. The second way to report your hours is to email Steve Hall at including the total hours you volunteered. If you email him, please let him know which hours are for volunteering inside vs. outside of church.

At any time, you may start to volunteer with one of the organizations we presented or anywhere else. For those of you who do not live in the Chico area and still want to participate, please join in! Find a place near you to volunteer and start to do so. We'll be counting our hours throughout Lent and all are welcome to join. (Oh, and if you give blood, 1 hour counts as 10 hours!)

Here is the list of organizations still available to volunteer with: Blue Bags, Butte County Literacy/Library Services, CARD, Chico Animal Shelter, Chico Project Save, Musical Mondays, Enloe Volunteer Services, Habitat for Humanity, Jesus Center Farm, Passages, Vitalant, Youth for Change. 

God Bless You All, The Equipping Team