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Those serving on Sunday can use these links to:




Here's a little more about worship at Faith:

Our worship has a rich and vibrant history that spans across numerous traditions; traditions which draw their inspiration from a diverse variety of countries, communities, and media. Services, whether they be on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings, include music from the Taizé community in France, videos from families in the congregation and community, art from local and national artists, and sermons bridging a variety of topics. 

Psalm 9:1-2 says “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.” And there are oh so many vibrant and joyous ways in which we sing (or play!) our praise. Faith Lutheran Church is home to the choir, handbell choir, contemporary instrumentalists, organists, and vocalists that make our worship engaging. Whether you are an amateur or professional; a singer or guitar player; young or old, you are invited to participate in the ministry of music here at Faith. Contact Luke Nicolay, our Director of Worship and Music if you're interested.

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What can I expect on Sunday?

Worship begins at 9:30 in the morning. You will be greeted by smiling greeters at the "Welcome Table" and asked if you would like to write your name on a nametag. This is totally optional. The Welcome Table has brochures about the church, newsletters, and signups for whatever events are going on at the time.

As you enter the church, you will be handed a bulletin by our ushers. If you have any questions about seating, they are happy to answer. There is no assigned seating. The bulletin will help you follow along with the order of worship, scriptures, and "call and response" parts of the service (which are always indented and printed in bold text). We offer communion to everyone regardless of membership status, faith, spirituality, or background. We offer wine or grape juice in both a common-cup (a chalice shared by the congregation) and individual serving cups; gluten-free bread; and the option to receive a verbal blessing instead of receiving communion.

After worship, we have "coffee hour," which usually doesn't run an hour long but sounds better than "coffee half-hour!" Here you can socialize with other folks in the congregation, meet folks you saw conducting worship, and ask the ushers or greeters any questions you may have about the church. 

Sometimes after worship we have "Faith Adult Christian Education" or "FACE" classes. If there is a class going on, you are welcome to pop in and check it out. 

We know that going to a new church can be nerve-wracking, and we want to make sure that you get to worship in a way that makes you comfortable. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. 


Q: Do you have to be a member of the church to take Communion?

A: No. Communion is for everybody regardless of background, religion, or spirituality. 


Q: Is your music more traditional or contemporary?

A: We play and sing a healthy blend of both traditional and contemporary music. We frequently use the Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) hymnal, and will also see organ, piano, strings, brass, bell choir, vocal soloists, and guest musicians.

Q: Can anybody participate in music?

A: Yes! Whether it's your first time singing or ringing or you've been doing it your whole life, you are invited to join our choir, bell choir, or contemporary music team. You do not need to be a church member.


Q: Are there worship accomodations for people with disabilities?

A: Yes. The building is wheelchair accessible; we offer hearing assistance devices; you may ask to sit anywhere that will help you worship comfortably; and we have lots of room for wheelchairs and walkers. If you have any other concerns about worshiping because of a disability, let us know and we'll get you set up comfortably.