Fourth Sunday of Easter

Each week, we provide questions based on the sermon. These questions are to encourage you to connect the scriptures to your own life and to invite you to grow deeper in your relationships with others at Faith by discussing the questions together. 

Readings: 1 Peter 2:19-25, John 10:1-10

Sermon: The thieves and bandits of this world try to claim us, but only the Good Shepherd has the power to name us. 


1. When have you felt someone or something other than Jesus try to take control of your spiritual identity? 

2. A sheepfold or baby gate is a safe place in which we learn who we are and the voice of the one who cares for us and calls us by name. What/where has been a "sheepfold" or "baby gate" for you?  

3. What can you do this week to listen for the voice of your Good Shepherd?