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There was a request for the text of the Prayer of Lament with which we started on service on Sunday. For those who are grieving the recent tragedies, we invite you to pray with us the following:


Prayer of Lament

Gracious God, by day and night we pour out our prayer to you.

We are crying out for justice, yearning for what is right, longing for your peace.

Come quickly to help us, O God; save those who call upon your name.

We hear of hateful violence and senseless killing . . .and your people cry: How long, O Lord?

We feel the suffering, sorrow, and shame of the oppressed . . .and your people cry: How long, O Lord?

We fear that justice will again be delayed or denied . . .and your people cry: How long, O Lord?

We recognize patterns of privilege and systems of discrimination . . .and your people cry: How long, O Lord?

We see your creation destroyed by carelessness and greed . . .and your people cry: How long, O Lord?

We weep for the victims of the shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde...and your people cry: How long, O Lord?

We long for a day when children can learn without fear and seniors can buy groceries without danger...and your people cry: How long, O Lord?

Gracious God, keep us working and praying for the day when your justice will roll down like waters, and your righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Replenish our strength and stir up our hope as we look for signs of your coming reign. Make us ministers of your healing and agents of your transformation. And fill us with the peace that passes understanding—the deep peace of Jesus Christ our Savior, in whose holy name we pray.
