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This December, I was promoted from manager to…well, manager! (This isn’t a post-Advent mental break; I can explain.) If you haven’t met our bookkeepers, their names are Jeanette and Lottie and they’re awesome. Lottie is graduating from CSU this year, so she’ll be moving on from being our bookkeeper to working in her field. So first of all - - a huge congrats to Lottie, and a million thanks to her not only for keeping our books but for putting up with me for the last 2 years. Starting this January, I’ll be taking over some of the bookkeeping duties, like working with Quickbooks and getting to know the financial parts of our ministry scheduling program better. What this means for me is more hours, which I’m grateful to have earned. What this means for you is ~ drumroll ~ new office hours!  


So now you’re stuck with me on Fridays too! That’s the fun news. The not-fun news is that I will be implementing more stringent COVID policies. You know, like a strict dad who says “you can’t do that” so the kids ask mom instead, except there is no mom here, just Mike and his rules. It’s exciting that we have a vaccine, but until everyone has access to it, I must take the following safety precautions to protect the health of the congregation and staff:  

  • Face coverings over your mouth and nose are required in the office at all times
  • Please do not bring food to share or leave out on the counter for others to take (you may still donate goods for the staff to distribute appropriately, or pick up supplies which I have given you permission to take from the back table)
  • If possible, use the Parish Hall restroom; the staff restroom should be for emergencies only ·       There is a blue line of tape on the floor separating my desk from the entryway; please do not cross it
  • I have unfortunately removed the guest chair from my desk, so I will not be able to sit with you in the main office at this time, for which I am sorry

In other office news ~ ~ ~ if you’re ever interested in submitting a Faith Talks article, they are always due the third Sunday of the month. Email them to  If you haven’t told me your birthday, please do, so that the office can wish you a happy birthday in 2021! Here’s to a safe and healthy new year.  
