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Last year, a group from Faith Lutheran had the privilege of visiting the Holy Land. The people who guided us, housed us, fed us, and worshipped with us, were local Christians, people whose families had lived in the area since the time of Jesus. Most of these Christians we met were from Bethlehem and the surrounding villages, and their livelihoods depend on tourism. With the current violence in Gaza, these Christians have lost their livelihoods. So to make a living, they are sending olivewood carvings around the world. Last Sunday, we had these carvings available for purchase. Thanks to your generosity, we will be able to send over $1,000 to our siblings in Christ in the Holy Land. 

There are still several carvings available at prices from $3 - $50. You can see and purchase these carvings by visiting the office.

-We do not hold cash in the office and cannot make change, so we recommend bringing a variety of bill sizes, especially tens and ones. 

-You may pay with card by giving to our Disaster Relief fund; a check will be cut from this fund and given to the artists at the end of the month. 

-Checks are the preferred method of payment. Checks may be made out to Faith Lutheran Church, memo "FIGURINE."