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Every year, a disproportionate number of transgender people across the world are killed because they are trans. Some take their own lives. Once a year on November 20th, queer and affirming communities host a vigil to mourn the loss of our transgender siblings. As we have done for many years, Faith Lutheran will collaborate with Stonewall Alliance Center to host this vigil. Here is how you can contribute:

Plant Flags, Sunday, November 12th after Worship: Plant white flags in the front yard after worship. Each flag represents a life lost. This raises awareness of anti-trans violence and proclaims that we are here to stop it. An announcement will be made after church that Sunday inviting you to grab a handful of flags and plant them.

Add to the Community Altar, M-F Nov.13-17, and Sunday the 19th: Add to the community altar by bringing arts and crafts, flowers, or other offerings. The altar will be available to visit during office hours and is located in one of the classrooms, classroom TBD.

Vigil, Monday, November 20th at 6pm: Attend the candlelight vigil on Monday the 20th. During the vigil, we read the names of the deceased and honor their life here on this earth. Everyone is encouraged to attend to show their support and compassion.

Comfort Food is wanted for the vigil. Please feel free to bake or bring cookies, brownies, or other easy-to-take-home food that provides warmth and comfort on a cold night. Two people are wanted to serve decaf and cocoa as well. Please let Michael at the church office know if you would like to serve hot drinks or provide snacks.

Educational Material is available in the office year-round including brochures on LGBTQ and Transgender info. If this is your first time learning about same-sex relationships, gender identity, etc., these are excellent resources.