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Wednesday, March 31st is Transgender Day of Visibility. Everyone can worship at Faith, but we understand that other faith-based, family-based, and legislation-based institutions seek to prevent others from living as their truest, most authentic selves. As a Reconciling in Christ community, we would like to tell our trans siblings in Christ that we are Lutherans for FULL participation, and we see people as their fullest, most whole selves! Come to Room 4 anytime during work hours from Wednesday, March 6 – Friday, March 26 and take a photo in front of our display. If you can’t come in, take one from home with a sign that says “EVERYONE!” which will be added to our frame with the rest of our mission statement. (And if you’re accessorizing, trans colors are pink, white, and blue!) Michael will take your photo and drop it into the frame like the one seen above with Molly. These postcards will cycle through our worship slideshow on Sunday, April 11th. 

Just starting to learn about trans culture? “Your Trans Neighbor,” our collaborative FLC + Stonewall Alliance brochure, answers frequently asked questions and will be available in the office throughout March. For more info, please contact Pride Ministry coordinator Michael at the office.